Today I am sharing my most recent (and amazing) Amazon purchases! All of these items are currently under $30!! Wahoo! (Please note that Amazon has wonderful deals and prices, which are subject to change without notice.)
1. The Magic of Motherhood book
This is my next up for reading! I got this recommendation from one of my best friends! She said that she was INSTANTLY moved while reading the first couple pages of this book! I am so excited to read it!!
2. Faux Leather Crossbody Bag
Now this faux leather bag is a sure winner! It has a perfect saddle shape, a gorgeous cognac/tan faux leather color, and the perfect length for a crossbody bag. It also has an adjustable strap and numerous other colors available!! So so excited for this one!
3. TruSkin Facial Toner
One of the biggest names for beauty products on Amazon is TruSkin! They have SO many different things available from serums, to lotions, to moisturizers, this toner and SO much more! I really want to try their Vitamin C Serum, but I needed toner, so I tried this out first!
If you never used a toner before.. it is GREAT! It helps hydrate your skin, close pores, and makes your skin SO smooth. I use this at night, AFTER I wash my face and BEFORE my moisturizer!
This TruSkin Toner has Vitamin C and Glycolic acid in it, so it is supposed to even out skin tone and brighten it. Since I have very sensitive skin, I was a little nervous about the glycolic acid. However, I have have NO redness, irritation, or adverse skin reactions! It is a MUST try!
4. Glitter Statement Earrings and 5. Bracelet Stack
I showed this picture as a sneak peak of my outfit that I wore to a fundraiser for Parkinson's Disease. I thought that I was going to wear a different pair or earrings pictured, but I wore my trusty statement glitter earrings, instead and I LOVED them!
Here is another picture to show the versatility of the statement glitter earrings! I wear these guys ALL the time now!

If you're in the market for glitter eye shadow, then this is for YOU! It has SO many different and vibrant color glitters! The glitter is actually a full coverage and stays in place! So it is a TRUE glitter eye shadow! I used it for the fundraiser event and it looked AMAZING!!
I also used this product to help me get ready for the big fundraiser event! I used this to give myself a pedicure! So they said that this was a full coverage gold glitter. But I did not find that to be true. However, it was still SO pretty on. I just had to do one coat of another gold polish I had and then to two coats of this! Then it looked like a true, full coverage, and chunky glitter polish!!
I hope that you enjoyed my most recent Amazon Haul!! Let me know what you think!
Thanks for stopping by!
💓- Ashley
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